Article: Australia's Water is Vanishing, Bloomberg
- "Activating dinitrogen for chemical looping ammonia Synthesis: Mn nitride layer growth modeling." 2022. WM Aframehr, PH Pfromm. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022.
- "Activating dinitrogen for chemical looping ammonia synthesis: nitridation of manganese". 2022. Aframehr, Wrya; PH Pfromm. Journal of Materials Science, 2021.
- Relating agriculture, energy, and water decisions to farm incomes and climate projections using two freeware programs, FEWCalc and DSSAT. 2021. Phetheet, Jirapat, Mary C. Hill, Robert W. Barron, Benjamin J. Gray, Hongyu Wu, Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Wade Heger, Isaya Kisekka, Bill Golden, Matthew W. Rossi. Agricultural Systems 193: 103222.
- Consequences of climate change on food-energy-water systems in arid regions without agricultural adaptation, analyzed using FEWCalc and DSSAT. 2021. Phetheet, J, MC Hill, RW Barron, MW Rossi, V Amanor-Boadu, H Wu, I Kisekka, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 168.
- Chemical Looping of Manganese to Synthesize Ammonia at Atmospheric Pressure: Sodium as Promoter. Wrya Mohammadi Aframehr, Chaoran Huang, Tim Taylor, Peter Pfromm. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2020.
- Resilience and Technological Diversity in Smart Homes: A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Modeling IoT Systems with Integrated Heterogeneous Networks. John Symons and Amir Modarresi. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humane Computing, 2020. This journal article has been accepted for publication, pending minor revisions.
- Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research Agenda. Yolanda Gil, Suzanne A Pierce, Hassan Babaie, Arindam Banerjee, Kirk Borne, Gary Bust, Michelle Cheatham, Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Carla Gomes, Mary Hill, John Horel, Leslie Hsu, Jim Kinter, Craig Knoblock, David Krum, Vipin Kumar, Pierre Lermusiaux, Yan Liu, Chris North, Victor Pankratius, Shanan Peters, Beth Plale, Allen Pope, Sai Ravela, Juan Restrepo, Aaron Ridley, Hanan Samet, Shashi Shekhar. Communications of the ACM, 2019.
- A wedge or a weight? Critically examining nuclear power’s viability as a low carbon energy source from an intergenerational perspective. Robert W. Barron and Mary C. Hill. Energy Research & Social Science, 2018.
- Beyond fossil fuel–driven nitrogen transformations. Jingguang G. Chen Richard M. Crooks, Lance C. Seefeldt, Kara L. Bren, R. Morris Bullock, Marcetta Y. Darensbourg, Patrick L. Holland, Brian Hoffman, Michael J. Janik, Anne K. Jones11, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Paul King, Kyle M. Lancaster, Sergei V. Lymar, Peter Pfromm, William F. Schneider, Richard R. Schrock. Science, 2018.
- Legitimate to whom? The challenge of audience diversity and new venture legitimacy. Greg Fisher, Donald F. Kuratko, James M. Bloodgood, Jeffrey S. Hornsby. Journal of Business Venturing, 2017
- The role of network density and betweenness centrality in diffusing new venture legitimacy: an epidemiological approach. James Bloodgood, Jeffrey S. Hornsby, Matthew Rutherford, and Richard G. McFarland. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2017.
- Towards sustainable agriculture: Fossil-free ammonia. Peter Pfromm. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2017.
- Regulating the Ogallala: Paradox and Ambiguity in Western Kansas. Jane W. Gibson, Benjamin J. Gray. The Economics of Ecology, Exchange, and Adaptation: Anthropological Explorations, 2016.
- Economic feasibility of algal biodiesel under alternative public policies. Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Peter Pfromm, Richard Nelson. Renewable Energy, 2014.
- Actor-Networks, Farmer Decisions, and Identity. Benjamin J. Gray and Jane W. Gibson. The Journal of Culture & Agriculture, 2013.
- Solar thermochemical production of ammonia from water, air and sunlight: Thermodynamic and economic analyses. Ronald Michalksy, Byron J. Parman, Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Peter Pfromm. Energy, 2014.
- Sustainability of algae derived biodiesel: A mass balance approach. Peter Pfromm, Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Richard Nelson. Bioresource Technology, 2011.
- Bio-butanol vs. bio-ethanol: A technical and economic assessment for corn and switchgrass fermented by yeast or Clostridium acetobutylicum. Peter Pfromm, Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Richard Nelson, Praveen Vadlani, Ronald Madl. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2010.